Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Recent discoveries of exoplanets

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Are we alone in the Universe? Recent discoveries of exoplanets with a broad approach to the subject makes a logical conclusion about the high probability of the existence of advanced technological civilizations. 

Today, thanks to the discoveries made using the space telescope NASA "Kepler" and other means of observation, we know that about every fifth star has a planetary system with the planet, which lies in the so-called "habitable zone", the conditions which do not prevent the development of life. 

However, only now, the signals from our first radio come to the very nearest stars. The electromagnetic archaic way of sharing information that we use does not allow hope to obtain information without limitation the speed of light.

In the 21st century, information is the basis of everything. Information - is a quantitative value characterizing the system, and this means that the information presented is physical (entropy). 

Integral representation of information (energy) initially bears the loss of information and have limitation the speed of light. 

Information in itself is an objective physical quantity among others - such as the mass and energy of the system. From this point of view, all physical quantities characterizing the system, are only secondary symptoms, determined by its entropic potential. 

It is about the size of the arbitrary physical system, since the Planck space with one bit of information on it and ending the cosmological horizon of the universe. 

On the cosmological horizon should be thought of as "inflationary surface having no thickness" and "anything can be projected on its surface with no loss of information" - L. Susskind. "So the processing of the microscopic data on the screen can be done using signals that travel without time delay" - E. Verlinde.
This means that all information about the world around us (all the forces and interactions) exist only on a 2D holographic surface, and a third coordinate occurring is the result of a natural encoding information-modifying and recording it on a 2D surface is expanding. 

Strictly speaking, the projection is not required, if you know that all the 3D phenomenon is naturally encoded.

Today, the holographic principle - is a series of hundreds of theoretical works by famous world-class physicists. It is a theory that unites incompatible, but in fact, it is the most accurate reflection of the current state of science when scientific discoveries and their practical applications are so incredible in terms of ordinary human perception, that in them hard to believe.

 For example, using artificial coherent vibrations of elements mass, it is possible to create a device to control gravity, obtain information without limitation the speed of light. 

Unusual gyroscope MGGF ( is, in fact, 3D holographic projector accelerations (without loss of information) on a 2D display of the Universe, it can be used as a powerful tool for measuring the geometry and dynamics of the Universe in the current time. If in the Universe there are intelligent beings, they use this particular channel of communication.

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